I am wondering about how to assign processors to my Guest OSs.
I am using guest OSs
If I assign each processors to fours guest OSs, that are equal to the physical number of processors (four), and also use processors for host OS. But I have no problem in doing so.
Question: Are the processors assigned using time-slicing, making a single CPU assigned to two Guest OS in turn?
If so, I am thinking to increase number of processors assigned to some GuestOS (e.g. 2).
There's a CPU scheduler that's in use. Basically, it makes it so that the VM can make use of any available CPU instead of being pinned to a specific CPU where it could get stuck waiting for an extended period of time.
More information about the scheduler concept can be found in the following whitepaper: https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/techpaper/vmware-vsphere-cpu-sched-performance-white-paper.pdf