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JSF Validator compare to Strings for Equality

How would you compare two string for equality in a JSF Validator?

if (!settingsBean.getNewPassword().equals(settingsBean.getConfirmPassword())) {
    save = false;
    FacesUtils.addErrorMessage(null, "Password and Confirm Password are not same", null);


  • Use a normal Validator on the second component and pass the value of the first component as attribute of the second component.

    Thus, so

    <h:inputSecret id="password" binding="#{passwordComponent}"
        requiredMessage="Please enter password" 
        validatorMessage="Please enter at least 8 characters">
        <f:validateLength minimum="8" />
    <h:message for="password" />
    <h:inputSecret id="confirmPassword" 
        required="#{not empty passwordComponent.value}"
        requiredMessage="Please confirm password"
        validatorMessage="Passwords are not equal">
        <f:validator validatorId="validateEqual" />
        <f:attribute name="otherValue" value="#{passwordComponent.value}" />
    <h:message for="confirmPassword" />

    (note that binding on first component is exactly as-is; you shouldn't bind it to a bean property!)


    public class ValidateEqual implements Validator<Object> {
        public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
            Object otherValue = component.getAttributes().get("otherValue");
            if (value == null || otherValue == null) {
                return; // Let required="true" handle.
            if (!value.equals(otherValue)) {
                throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Values are not equal."));

    If you happen to use the JSF utility library OmniFaces, then you can use <o:validateEqual> for this. This exact case of "confirm password" is demonstrated on <o:validateEqual> showcase.

    See also: