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How to set up permalinks with variables in jekyll?

I'm trying to setup jekyll so that it will automatically create permalinks for new posts but it's not working.

What I did is setting a variable in the _config.yml like this:

permalink: /:title/

then, in a loop of post previews on the homepage I created a link like this:

<a href="{{ post.permalink }}">Read More</a>

Expecting the output to be something like.

<a href="/I-am-the-title-of-this-post">Read More</a>

and instead I'm getting this:

<a href="/:title/">Read More</a>

which if I click gives a 404 Not Found error.

What am I doing wrong?

For more info here is the github repo.




  • As @David Jaquel suggested I solved by using

    {{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}