I used the One component For many page in angular. I want to send a parameter from each component for show any different data. So I used the this code for call each component in Html:
<a [routerLink]="['categories']" >Page1</a>
<a [routerLink]="['categories']" >Page2</a>
Now in routes i Used this code
{path:'Page1' ,component : ProductCategoriesPagesComponent ,data : {PageNo : 1}},
{path:'Page2' ,component : ProductCategoriesPagesComponent,data : {PageNo : 2}}
Then I used this code in ProductCategoriesPagesComponent
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe(data => {
But i get
data {}
In console. Please Help me how I get parameters from routes If I mistake, show the best way for this method. Thanks.
You need to inject ActivatedRoute
and get the data from snapshot.