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Mysql update subquery specify target table

I'm having trouble with updating final_id by selecting the highest final_id already in table and adding +1.

The query below outputs the error: "You can't specify target table 'customer_orders' for update in FROM clause" and I sadly fail to see why..

UPDATE customer_orders 
  SET final_id = (SELECT final_id FROM customer_orders ORDER BY final_id DESC)+1, 
      status = 2, 
      payment_id = '{$transaction_id}', 
      payment_type = '{$type}', 
      payment_reserved = '{$amount}', 
      payment_currency = '{$cur}', 
      payment_cardnopostfix = '{$postfix}', 
      payment_fraud_suspicious = '{$fraud}' 
  WHERE id = '{$order_id}'

I'm trying to set a unique increasing ID for finalized orders in my system.

I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong!

Best regards


  • You can rewrite your query and use join

    UPDATE customer_orders 
    INNER JOIN (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(final_id),0) as max_id FROM customer_orders)a ON(1=1)
    SET final_id = a.max_id+1, status = 2, payment_id = '{$transaction_id}', 
    payment_type = '{$type}', payment_reserved = '{$amount}', 
    payment_currency = '{$cur}', payment_cardnopostfix = '{$postfix}',
    payment_fraud_suspicious = '{$fraud}' 
    WHERE id = '{$order_id}'