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How to import the jenkins-api in Groovy?

I have a small groovy script that I want to edit and I have issues with the dependency management in Groovy. I am new to groovy and sorry in advance if this question is kinda studip / easy to answer. I use IntelliJ as IDEA.

@Grab(group='org.jenkins-ci.main', module='jenkins-core', version='2.167', scope='provided')
//import jenkins...

def call()
    Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(currentBuild.fullProjectName).getBuilds().each{ build ->

        if (currentBuild.number > build.number && exec != null)

I try to use the jenkins-core dependency to get the autocomple of the code, documentation etc. etc. for the code but it simply does not work. I also tried the maven dependency in the pom it does work neither.

So now to my question: How do I import the dependency of Jenkins correctly in Groovy?


  • You can get this dependency from jenkins-ci maven repo:

    @GrabResolver(name='jenkins', root='')
    @Grab(group='org.jenkins-ci.main', module='jenkins-core', version='2.167')