I have two Ecto models: User
and Skill
, which are joined with a many_to_many
association via a users_skills
create table(:users_skills, primary_key: false) do
add :user_id, references(:users, on_delete: :nothing)
add :skill_id, references(:skills, on_delete: :nothing)
create unique_index(:users_skills, [:user_id, :skill_id])
In the User
schema there is:
many_to_many :skills, Skill, join_through: "users_skills"
And in the Skill
schema there is:
many_to_many :users, User, join_through: "users_skills"
What I want to do is delete a user’s skills without deleting the User
or Skill
itself. Currently I’m trying this:
query = Ecto.assoc(current_user, :skills)
However it throws the error:
(foreign_key_violation) update or delete on table "skills" violates foreign key constraint "users_skills_skill_id_fkey" on table "users_skills"
When adding on_delete: :delete_all
to the users_skills
migration, this has the undesired effect of deleting the associated skills.
How do I approach this so that only the association record is deleted with both User
and Skill
staying in tact?
I'm sure there're better ways to do this but you can pass on_replace: :delete
option to many_to_many
macro in your schemas.
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
many_to_many(:skills, Skill, join_through: "users_skills", on_replace: :delete)
Now if you run
|> Repo.preload(:skills)
|> Ecto.Changeset.change()
|> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:skills, [])
|> Repo.update!()
It deletes from users_skills
table and skills
table will remain intact.