I have written a python code which creates a gif from a list of images. In order to do this, I used the python library: imageio. Here is my code :
def create_gif(files, gif_path):
"""Creates an animated gif from a list of figures
files (list of str) : list of the files that are to be used for the gif creation.
All files should have the same extension which should be either png or jpg
gif_path (str) : path where the created gif is to be saved
ValueError: if the files given in argument don't have the proper
file extenion (".png" or ".jpeg" for the images in 'files',
and ".gif" for 'gif_path')
images = []
for image in files:
# Make sure that the file is a ".png" or a ".jpeg" one
if splitext(image)[-1] == ".png" or splitext(image)[-1] == ".jpeg":
elif splitext(image)[-1] == "":
image += ".png"
raise ValueError("Wrong file extension ({})".format(image))
# Reads the image with imageio and puts it into the images list
# Mak sure that the file is a ".gif" one
if splitext(gif_path)[-1] == ".gif":
elif splitext(gif_path)[-1] == "":
gif_path += ".gif"
raise ValueError("Wrong file extension ({})".format(gif_path))
# imageio writes all the images in a .gif file at the gif_path
imageio.mimsave(gif_path, images)
When I try this code with a list of images the Gif is correctly created but I have no idea how to change its parameters : What I mean by that is that I would like to be able to control the delay between the gif's images, and also to control how much time the gif's is running.
I have tried to my gif with the Image module from PIL, and change its info, but when I save it my gif turns into my first image.
Could you please help me understand what I am doing wrong?
here is the code that I ran to try to change the gif prameter :
# Try to change gif parameters
my_gif = Image.open(my_gif.name)
my_gif_info = my_gif.info
my_gif_info['loop'] = 65535
my_gif_info['duration'] = 100
You can just pass both parameters, loop and duration, to the mimsave/mimwrite method.
imageio.mimsave(gif_name, fileList, loop=4, duration = 0.3)
Next time you want to check which parameters can be used for a format compatible with imageio you can just use imageio.help(format name).
GIF-PIL - Static and animated gif (Pillow)
A format for reading and writing static and animated GIF, based
on Pillow.
Images read with this format are always RGBA. Currently,
the alpha channel is ignored when saving RGB images with this
Parameters for reading
Parameters for saving
loop : int
The number of iterations. Default 0 (meaning loop indefinitely).
duration : {float, list}
The duration (in seconds) of each frame. Either specify one value
that is used for all frames, or one value for each frame.
Note that in the GIF format the duration/delay is expressed in
hundredths of a second, which limits the precision of the duration.
fps : float
The number of frames per second. If duration is not given, the
duration for each frame is set to 1/fps. Default 10.
palettesize : int
The number of colors to quantize the image to. Is rounded to
the nearest power of two. Default 256.
subrectangles : bool
If True, will try and optimize the GIF by storing only the
rectangular parts of each frame that change with respect to the
previous. Default False.