My problem is , i am setting some values to the multiple variables in try clause. what i want is , when one of the values of the variables is not available , it should be empty string in except clause but only for those variables which are not available. for your reference , here is my try clause...
app_source_name_attr = json_data["APP_DATA"]['metadata']["app_source_name"]
source_type_attr = json_data['APP_DATA']['metadata']['source_attributes_jsonb']['source_type']
utm_source_attr = json_data['APP_DATA']['metadata']['source_attributes_jsonb']['utm_source']
utm_medium_attr = json_data["APP_DATA"]['metadata']['source_attributes_jsonb']['utm_medium']
utm_campaign_attr = json_data["APP_DATA"]["metadata"]["source_attributes_jsonb"]["utm_campaign"]
utm_campaignid_attr = json_data["APP_DATA"]["metadata"]["source_attributes_jsonb"]["utm_campaignid"]
if values are not available , i want to pass empty string to that variable otherwise value should be passed which i set in try clause. so , how except clause should be ?
Thanks in advance
You can put empty string values before try
clause, one variable for example:
app_source_name_attr = ''
app_source_name_attr = json_data["APP_DATA"]['metadata']["app_source_name"]
except Exception:
print(app_source_name_attr) # will print empty string if exception occured inside try-except block