I have an Azure Service Principal that I use with my proj pipeline (Azure DevOps). I'm going to provision an environment for the client in azure with my subscription.
I'm going to transfer the subscription to the client (Which I know how to do). But my question is:
If you transfer a subscription to a new Azure AD tenant, all role assignments in role-based access control (RBAC) are permanently deleted from the source tenant and are not migrated to the target tenant.
I'm pretty sure service principal cannot migrate, since you are changing tenant
Does everything transfer? Including resource groups, VMs, disks, and other running services?
All your resources like VMs, disks, and websites transfer to the new owner. However, any administrator roles and Role-based Access Control (RBAC) policies you've set up do not transfer across different directories. Also, app registrations and other tenant-specific services don't transfer along.