I'm making a tool that automates cropping and positioning w/out resizing an image into an other image. I found this on microsoft docs for .NET, but I cannot understand how to implement in my code. So far I can download images from the Mojang API, like:
I was wondering if I could crop a rectangle of 8x8 pixel at coordinates of 8,0 and paste it on top of Steve.png at coordinates 8,8 so at the end the output will look like this:
How should I use .NET function .DrawImage
to achieve the crop?
Thanks to the link provided by @Caramiriel I can finally crop an area of the image with this script:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$Username = "Steve"
$destRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle 8, 0, 8, 8
$srcRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle 0, 8, 8, 8
$bmp=new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap 64,64
$units = [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Pixel
$graphics.DrawImage($src, $destRect, $srcRect, $units)
If there's a more compact/elegant way to do it I would really like to know it!
I posted an answer with a generic function to do the job.
As suggested by @Mathias R. Jessen I used a function so it looks more elegant:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$bmp=new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap 64,64
$units = [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Pixel
function DrawCroppedImage {
param( [int]$srcX, [int]$srcY, [int]$srcWidth, [int]$srcHeight, [int]$destX, [int]$destY, [int]$destWidth, [int]$destHeight )
$destRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle $destX, $destY, $destWidth, $destHeight
$srcRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle $srcX, $srcY, $srcWidth, $srcHeight
$graphics.DrawImage($src, $destRect, $srcRect, $units)
DrawCroppedImage 8 0 8 8 8 0 8 8
So I can repeat it w/out rewriting all the code again for each single crop. I would like to add the fact that if you scale it (last two integers = 16) but you want to make it without any Interpolation you can use the same function but with two lines more:
function DrawCroppedImage {
param( [int]$SrcX, [int]$SrcY, [int]$SrcWidth, [int]$SrcHeight, [int]$DestX, [int]$DestY, [int]$DestWidth, [int]$DestHeight )
$DestRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle $DestX, $DestY, $DestWidth, $DestHeight
$SrcRect = new-object Drawing.Rectangle $SrcX, $SrcY, $SrcWidth, $SrcHeight
//these two
$graphics.InterpolationMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode]::NearestNeighbor
$graphics.PixelOffsetMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode]::Half
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