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How to generate code for the uniqueness quantifier

Here is a sample theory:

datatype ty = A | B | C

inductive test where
  "test A B"
| "test B B"
| "test B C"

inductive test2 where
  "The (λy. test x y) = y ⟹
   test2 x y"

code_pred [show_modes] test2 .

values "{x. test2 A x}"

The generated code tries to enumerate over ty and fails (as in How to generate code for the existential quantifier). I can't make the data type an instance of enum.

The following code equation is generated:

test2_i_o ?xa ≡
  Predicate.bind (Predicate.single ?xa)
    (λxa. Predicate.bind (eq_i_o (The (test xa))) Predicate.single

I guess the error is raised because the equation contains test instead of test_i_o.

Could you suggest how to define such a predicate?


  • I've got it. I should not use The operator. The predicate should be defined as follows. Code is generated fine with the inductify directive. An auxiliary predicate is generated in this case.

    inductive test_uniq where
      "test x y ⟹
       (∀z. test x z ⟶ y = z) ⟹
       test_uniq x y"
    code_pred [inductify, show_modes] test_uniq .

    Alternatively one can define the auxiliary predicate explicitly:

    inductive test_not_uniq where
      "test x z ⟹
       y ≠ z ⟹
       test_not_uniq x y"
    inductive test_uniq where
      "test x y ⟹
       ¬ test_not_uniq x y ⟹
       test_uniq x y"
    code_pred [show_modes] test_uniq .

    Old Wrong Answer

    Maybe It could help someone to generate code for The operator:

    inductive test_ex where
      "The (λy. test x y) = y ⟹
       test_ex x y"
    code_pred [show_modes] test .
    lemma test_ex_code [code_pred_intro]:
      "Predicate.the (test_i_o x) = y ⟹
       test_ex x y"
      by (rule test_ex.intros) (simp add: Predicate.the_def test_i_o_def)
    code_pred [show_modes] test_ex
      by (metis test_ex.cases test_ex_code)
    inductive test2 where
      "test_ex x y ⟹
       test2 x y"
    code_pred [show_modes] test2 .
    values "{x. test2 A x}"

    The code equation now contains test_i_o instead of test:

    test_ex_i_o ?xa =
      Predicate.bind (Predicate.single ?xa)
        (λxa. Predicate.bind (eq_i_o (Predicate.the (test_i_o xa))) Predicate.single)