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Laravel 5.6: assertSessionHasErrors resulting in "Integrity constraint violation: 19 NOT NULL constraint failed" Error

I'm trying to set up a test that checks that incomplete forms cannot be submitted to a database and I keep running into issues, currently every time I run phpunit this is what I get:

enter image description here

My test is set up as so:

public function test_incomplete_form_cannot_be_submitted()
  $user = factory(User::class)->states('confirmed', 'normaluser')->create([
      'id' => '1',
  $form = factory(Form::class)->states('incomplete')->create(['status' => 'submitted', 'user_id' => '1', 'id' => '5',]);

  $this->actingAs($user)->post(route(''), $form->toArray());

  $this->assertSessionHasErrors(['company_name', 'form_info', 'uploads', 'state']);

And the factory to set up the incomplete form is set up as followed:

 $factory->state(App\Form::class, 'incomplete', function (Faker $faker) {
  return [
    'company_name' => null,
    'form_info' => [
      'contact_fname' => null,
      'contact_lname' => null,
      'address1' => null,
      'dist_city' => null,
      'zip_code' => null,
      'multiple_locations' => null,
      'dist_phone' => null,
      'dist_email' => null,
      'company_website' => null,
      'additional_company_info' => null,
      'company_ownership_structure' => null,
      'business_manager' => [
        '0' => [
          'title' => null,
          'name' => null,
          'phone' => null,
          'email' => null,
      'business_planner' => [
        '0' => [
          'title' => null,
          'name' => null,
          'phone' => null,
          'email' => null,
      'sales_rep_compensation' => null,
      'midlevel_manager_compensation' => null,
      'sales_state' => null,
      'county' => [
        '0' => null,
      'split_county' => null,
      'split_county_details' => null,
      'other_brands_represented' => [
        '0' => null,
      'other_brands_in_territory' => null,
      'company_sales_approach' => null,
      'vision_for_us' => null,
      'who_purchases_the_beer' => null,
      'anticipated_spending_details' => null,
      'what_other_products' => null,
      'chain_retail_coverage' => null,
      'total_size' => null,
      'last_full_year_sales_for_craft' => null,
      'other_breweries_pursue' => null,
      'describe_packaged_beer_space' => null,
      'describe_cooler_space' => null,
      'firkin_handling_procedures' => null,
      'secure_storage' => null,
      'describe_recoup_area' => null,
      'describe_trucks' => null,
      'pos_storage_areas' => null,
      'quality_policies' => null,
      'product_rotation_systems' => null,
      'draft_department_capabilities' => null,
      'channel_focus' => null,
      'channel_focus_details' => null,
      'in_house_signs' => null,
      'sign_printers' => null,
      'sign_shop_employees' => null,
      'other_ownership' => null,
      'other_ownership_details' => null,
    'state' => 'Alabama',
    'uploads' => [
      'top_25_accounts' => null,
      'first_year_sales_estimate' => null,
      'packaging_space_images' => [
        '0' => null,
      'storage_images' => [
        '0' => null,
      'marketing_signage' => [
        '0' => null,

I have already tried changing the test from factory...->create to factory...->make, modifying the assertSessionHasErrors to only check for ['uploads.top_25_accounts'] and making the $form just an empty array, but nothing has seemed to work.


  • Problem 1:

    Your assertion is never reached because create() on your factory tries to create a new entry in the database, but company_name cannot be NULL and it throws an exception.


    Change create() to make().

    $form = factory(Form::class)->states('incomplete')->make([
        'status' => 'submitted', 
        'user_id' => '1', 
        'id' => '5',

    Problem 2:

    You have to call assertSessionHasErrors() on the response object. $this->assertSessionHasErrors) does not exist.


    public function test_incomplete_form_cannot_be_submitted()
      $user = factory(User::class)->states('confirmed', 'normaluser')->create([
          'id' => '1',
      $form = factory(Form::class)->states('incomplete')->make([
          'status' => 'submitted', 
          'user_id' => '1', 
          'id' => '5',
      $response = $this->actingAs($user)->post(route(''), $form->toArray());
      $response->assertSessionHasErrors(['company_name', 'form_info', 'uploads', 'state']);