i am going to start a chess like board game. and for that i have reviewed a number to things available.
one is http://www.mapeditor.org/ , using which you can create a grid base games.
another option is geekgameboard for iphone available at http://mooseyard.lighthouseapp.com/projects/23201-geekgameboard
now i want your expert opinion that would it be better to make a game in cocos2d using the first option or the second option? both looks promising to me and give good control over board design.
You could use elements of either, but neither of them (or cocos2d) are instant board game design tools.
GeekGameBoard is a demo of Core Animation and (to a lesser extent) Objective-C. There are many things you will learn from it but little of the graphic parts are applicable to a cocos2d project. If you hadn't already figured that out then you need to read more widely to understand exactly what cocos2d is, and how it compares to using Core Animation.
As taintedzodiac says, Tiled is simply a map editor. I do think there are board games that would benefit from this (although all the examples I can think of would need hexagons) but I expect that a chess-like game involves a board that will always fit on the screen, so you've probably not got much need for Tiled.
I would suggest that you
1) Design the board on paper and playtest your game design in the real world if you haven't already.
2) Try implementing the game in GeekGameBoard (without cocos2d).
3) Using the knowledge gained from that experience, rewrite it in cocos2d using what you can from the GeekGameBoard implementation.