I have a custom Powershell Cmdlet in C#, all works fine.
The one parameter is a HashTable
. How can I use a ScriptBlock
in that parameter? When I set the parameter to @{file={$_.Identity}}
, I want to get a pipeline object with Identity
property in the ProcessRecord
method. How can I do that?
Now I simple convert the keys/values of the hash table to Dictionary<string, string>
, but I want to get a pipelined object property (string).
Now I get an error that ScriptBlock
can't convert to string.
You could use ForEach-Object
for this:
function Invoke-WithUnderScore {
process {
$InputObject |ForEach-Object $Property
Then use like:
PS C:\> "Hello","World!","This is a longer string" |Invoke-WithUnderscore -Property {$_.Length}
Or in a C# cmdlet:
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Select, "Stuff")]
public class SelectStuffCommand : PSCmdlet
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true)]
public object[] InputObject;
public Hashtable Property;
private List<string> _files;
protected override void ProcessRecord()
string fileValue = string.Empty;
foreach (var obj in InputObject)
if (!Property.ContainsKey("file"))
if (Property["file"] is ScriptBlock)
using (PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create(InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2()))
var result = ps.AddCommand("ForEach-Object").AddParameter("process", Property["file"]).Invoke(new[] { obj });
if (result.Count > 0)
fileValue = result[0].ToString();
fileValue = Property["file"].ToString();
protected override void EndProcessing()
// process _files