I'm using rhea (https://github.com/amqp/rhea), a node.js library to develop AMQP 1.0 clients.
I'm trying to adapt https://github.com/amqp/rhea/tree/master/examples/selector example using an x-match expression instead of a JMS expression.
The purpose is to implement an header routing mechanism based on a AMQP 1.0 compliant broker (ActiveMQ, Qpid, ...).
I tried this code in the appropriate section in recv.js:
source: {
address: 'amq.match',
filter: {
'x-match': 'all',
value: {
'nat': 'it',
'prod': 'a22'
Received a connection error "Expected value type is 'Filter' but got 'String' amqp:decode-error" from Qpid Java broker (rel. 7.1.0).
According to this answer received on rhea github repo:
The filter needs to be a described value. Try something like this:
source: {
address: 'amq.match',
filter: {
'foo': amqp_types.wrap_described({
'nat': 'it',
'prod': 'a22',
'x-match': 'all'
}, 0x468C00000002)
var amqp_types = require('rhea').types;
That works only with Qpid cpp, it's not working with ActiveMQ and Qpid java.