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Is it possible to stop a Timer from a separate class?

I am trying to reset a Timer so as to avoid having multiple instances of it. To achieve this, I want to stop the Timer from a separate class, something like this:

public void Timer() 
    Timer timer = new Timer(); 
    long interval = (1000) ;
    timer.schedule( new TimerTask() 
        public void run() 
            // code //       
    }, 0, interval);         

public void Stop() 
    // stop Timer //

I feel this may be achievable by terminating Timer(); if it is not possible to stop the Timer I would much appreciate being shown how I could best go about terminating the class as cleanly as possible. Thank you.


  • I devised a pretty rudimentary solution:

    boolean stop;
    public void Timer() 
        Timer timer = new Timer(); 
        long interval = (1000) ;
        timer.schedule( new TimerTask() 
            public void run() 
                if condition is met{
                else if(stop == true){
        }, 0, interval);         
    stop = true;
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    stop = false;

    Basically, the boolean value stops the Timer, gives it 2 seconds to make sure there is no overlap, and is then set back to false to safely reset the Timer.