I am using magrittr
's pipe %>%, followed immediately by a function called by: package::function, and get the error: Error in .::base : unused argument (mean)
What is the problem?
c(1,2) %>%
#> Error in .::base: unused argument (mean)
What's happening is that magrittr is getting confused as to exactly what function you want to insert the previous value into. When you do just
c(1,2) %>%
is able to easily see that mean
is a symbol that points to the mean function. But when you do base::mean
, things get a bit trickier because ::
is also a function in R. Let's compare the difference between base::mean
and base::mean()
in R in terms of how they are translated into function calls.
# [[1]]
# `::`
# [[2]]
# base
# [[3]]
# mean
# [[1]]
# base::mean
You can see these parse differently. When you just type base::mean
R will see the ::
function first and will try to pass in the numbers there. Basically to's trying to call
`::`(., base, mean)
which doesn't make sense can that's what gives you that specific error message
But if you explicitly add the ()
, R can see that you are trying to call the function returned from base::mean
so it will add the parameter to the right place. So you can do
c(1,2) %>%
c(1,2) %>%