I have a BizTalk 2009 environment with a running application (call it A1) that contains a schema (S1). S1 has a few promoted properties defined in PropertySchema.xsd. A1 is fairly simple, it has a Receive Port that polls a database for (debatched) S1 messages, and a Send Port that writes them to file.
I am now developing a new application (A2), and want it to contain an orchestration that has a direct subscription to the MessageBox to get some S1 messages with a certain promoted property value.
What is the correct approach to make the S1 schema, and its promoted properties, available for use within A2?
Should I:
Or is there another way I haven't thought of? Thanks.
I would suggest create a Shared Application, which can contain all the Shared artificats.
References: http://salmanzg.wordpress.com/2010/07/13/biztalk-shared-application/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa577468%28v=BTS.10%29.aspx