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OnBecameVisible() not call when gameObjects is on camera's field / UNITY

i want to optimise my mobile game by not showing gameObjects that are not in the camera's field. I can't do Occlusion Culling because those gameObjects are instantiated and not static.

So i used

void OnBecameInvisible(){  Renderer.enabled = false; }

void OnBecameVisible(){  Renderer.enabled = true; }

It worked but sometimes, objects remain invisible.

I tried to use:

void Update()
    if (m_Renderer.isVisible)
        m_Renderer.enabled = true;
    else m_Renderer.enabled = false; Debug.Log("not show");

But the performance drops badly.

How could i fix that?

Thank you. Regards.


  • Unity automatically uses Frustum Culling by default and doesn't render what the camera isn't looking at. Thus this is automatically implemented