I want to reformat and validate if a user has provided a valid Belgian enterprise number. Because the input can be all of the following examples:
I've written a function that validates and reformat the input to a 'display' version (BE 0123.123.123) and a 'code' version (123123123). This function looks like this.
formatAndValidateEnterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber => {
if(enterpriseNumber === undefined || !enterpriseNumber || (enterpriseNumber || '').length < 3) return { isValid: false, error: 'Please fill in your enterprise number' };
//Remove space, dots, ...
enterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber.toUpperCase();
enterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber.replace(/[. ,:-]+/g, '');
//Check for double country code
const reDouble = /^[a-zA-Z]{4}/;
if (reDouble.test(enterpriseNumber)) enterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber.substring(2);
if (enterpriseNumber.length < 9 || enterpriseNumber.length > 12) return { isValid: false, error: 'The length of the provided number is incorrect' };
//Check country code
const reBE = /^[a-zA-Z]{2}/;
if (reBE.test(enterpriseNumber)) {
//Check if country code = BE
if (enterpriseNumber.slice(0, 2) !== 'BE') return { isValid: false, error: 'Please fill in a Belgian enterprise number' };
// Remove country code
else enterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber.substring(2);
//Check if first digit is 0
if (enterpriseNumber.length === 10 && enterpriseNumber.startsWith('0')) enterpriseNumber = enterpriseNumber.substring(1);
//Check if enterpriseNumber is valid with modulo test
if (parseInt(97 - (enterpriseNumber.slice(0, 7) % 97), 10) !== parseInt(enterpriseNumber.slice(7, 9), 10))
return { isValid: false, error: 'The provided number is invalid'}
return {
isValid: true,
enterpriseNumber: enterpriseNumber,
displayEnterpriseNumber: `BE 0${enterpriseNumber.substring(0, 3)}.${enterpriseNumber.substring(3, 6)}.${enterpriseNumber.substring(6, 9)}`
I think it's pretty messy and I'm wondering if this can be improved with one/two regex tests that reformat and validate the user's input?
A second question: Sometimes for account or credit cards numbers the input field had those underscores and lines (-) already in the input box and reformat the number while typing. What is this method called and can this be done for a specific thing like a Belgian enterprise number?
Yes you can:
^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?(\d[. ]*){9}$
This regex should do it!
This source (in Dutch) states what an enterprise number is for Belgium:
It has the country code:
followed by a0
and then followed by 9 digits.
: the string has to start with the given regex(?:BE)?
: look for a group with BE but ?
means it matches zero or
one times - ?:
means find but don't capture\s*
: search for a space that matches zero or unlimited times[0-1]?
: check if a zero of one is present zero or one times((\d[. ]*){9})
: Check if 9 digits follow the remaining string, doesn't matter with how many dots or spaces they're padded. Every iteration is captured as the 1st capturing group. This becomes important when we replace later.$
: the string has to endThis will check if the input validates.
Editing it into the code
version is simple:
«code».replace(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?((\d[. ]*){9})$/g, function(){
return arguments[1].replace(/\D/g, "");
the g
or global modifier will ensure all unwanted characters will be deleted. By using a function with a replace in it to replace all non-digit characters. This functions will output our desired result.
if (element.match(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?(\d[. ]*){9}$/))
console.log(element.replace(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?((\d[. ]*){9})$/g, function(){
return arguments[1].replace(/\D/g, "");
console.log(`REJECTED: ${element}`);
BE 0123.321.123
BE0123 321 123
BE 0123 321 123
BE 01 23 32 11 23
BE 0123 32 11 23
BE 1233 445 4545 442
Rebuilding the String into the correct user friendly way is easy now:
document.querySelector("pre").textContent.split("\n").forEach(function(element) {
if (element.match(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?((\d[. ]*){9})$/)) {
var stripped = element.replace(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?((\d[. ]*){9})$/g, function(){
return arguments[1].replace(/\D/g, "");
//with the modulo check from your code added back in.
if (97 - (parseInt(stripped.slice(0, 7), 10) % 97) == parseInt(stripped.slice(7, 9), 10)) {
//use a literal string
//use substring to put the dots between the sections of three numbers.
var humanReadable = `BE 0${stripped.substring(0,3)}.${stripped.substring(3,6)}.${stripped.substring(6,9)}`;
console.log(`CODE: ${stripped}`, `UI: ${humanReadable}`);
BE 0123.321.123
BE0123 321 123
Second Question Yes, this can be done however it requires you to write your own code for it.
Simple version:
document.querySelector("div.enterprisenumber > input").addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
let value = this.value;
//prevent the input from going back to 0
if ( (value.length == 0 && (e.key == "Backspace" || e.key == "Delete"))) {
return false;
}, true);
document.querySelector("div.enterprisenumber > input").addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
//reset to a value without dots
let value = this.value.replace(/\./g, "");
//strip the leading zero
const valueWithout = value;
//calculate how much iterations we need of a groups of three digits.
const i = Math.floor(valueWithout.length / 3);
let newValue = "";
//check if backspace or delete are used to make sure the dot can be deleted.
if (valueWithout.length < 9 && !(e.key == "Backspace" || e.key == "Delete")) {
//only fire when higher than zero
if (i > 0) {
let t;
//t is the index
for (t = 0; t < i; t++) {
//slice the correct portion of the string and append a dot, unless we are at the end of the groups
newValue += valueWithout.slice(t * 3, t * 3 + 3) + (t == 2 ? "" : ".");
//append the remainder that is not a group of three.
newValue += valueWithout.slice((t) * 3);
} else {
//return the value as is.
newValue = value;
//set the new value to the input.
this.value = newValue;
}, true);
document.querySelector("div.enterprisenumber > input").addEventListener("blur", function(e) {
let passed = false;
if (this.value.match(/^(?:BE)?\s*[0-1]?((\d[. ]*){9})$/))
const value = this.value.replace(/\./g, "");
//with modulo check
if (97 - (parseInt(value.slice(0,7), 10) % 97) == value.slice(7, 9))
passed = true;
document.querySelector(".enterprisenumber").classList[(passed ? "remove" : "add")]("error");
//if focus then focus input
document.querySelector("div.enterprisenumber").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if (e.target && e.target.nodeName != "SELECT")
* {
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Enter: 844256524
<div class="enterprisenumber">
<span>BE</span><select><option value="0">0</option><option value="1">1</option><input value="" maxlength="11" />