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vb.netconsole-applicationreadlinereadkey readline or readkey don't want to stop my program

my code is working i tried it separately but the problem here is that when i'm putting them together , the readkey or readline don't stop the program and the do loop is not working too, can someone take a look please thank in advance

Dim count As Integer
Dim first(5) As Integer
Dim temp As Integer
Dim answer As String

Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your first number")
        first(0) = Console.ReadLine

        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your second number")
        first(1) = Console.ReadLine

        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your third number")
        first(2) = Console.ReadLine

        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your fourth number")
        first(3) = Console.ReadLine
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your fifth number")
        first(4) = Console.ReadLine

        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your sixth number")
        first(5) = Console.ReadLine


        Console.WriteLine("do you want to continue?")
        answer = Console.ReadLine
    Loop Until (answer = "n" Or answer = "No")
End Sub

Sub randomnumber()
    Dim r As New List(Of Integer)
    Dim rg As New Random
    Dim rn As Integer
    Dim arraywinner(5) As Integer

        rn = rg.Next(1, 40)
        If Not r.Contains(rn) Then
        End If
    Loop Until r.Count = 6

    'store bane random value in array'
    arraywinner(0) = r(0)
    arraywinner(1) = r(1)
    arraywinner(2) = r(2)
    arraywinner(3) = r(3)
    arraywinner(4) = r(4)
    arraywinner(5) = r(5)

    'print random numbers
    count = 0
    While count <= 5
        Console.WriteLine("the randoms numbers are : " & arraywinner(count))
        count = count + 1
    End While

    'look for the amount of number 
    temp = 0
    For count1 As Integer = 0 To 5
        For count2 As Integer = 0 To 5
            If arraywinner(count1) = first(count2) Then
                temp = temp + 1
            End If

    If temp = 1 Or temp = 0 Then
        Console.WriteLine("You have got " & temp & " number")
        Console.WriteLine("You have got " & temp & " numbers")
    End If
End Sub

Sub money(ByVal t1 As Integer)
    'prend cash'
    If temp = 6 Then
        Console.WriteLine("Jackpot $$$$$$$$$$$$$")
    ElseIf temp = 3 Then
        Console.WriteLine(" money = 120")
    ElseIf temp = 4 Then
        Console.WriteLine("money = 500")
    ElseIf temp = 5 Then
        Console.WriteLine("money= 10,000")
        Console.WriteLine(" try next time")
    End If
End Sub


  • I moved all the display code to Sub Main. This way your Functions with your business rules code can easily be moved if you were to change platforms. For example a Windows Forms application. Then all you would have to change is the display code which is all in one place.

    Module Module1
    Private rg As New Random
    Public Sub Main()
        'keep variables with as narrow a scope as possible
        Dim answer As String = Nothing
        'This line initializes and array of strings called words
        Dim words = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth"}
        Dim WinnersChosen(5) As Integer
            'To shorten your code use a For loop
            For index = 0 To 5
                Console.WriteLine($"Please enter your {words(index)} number")
                WinnersChosen(index) = CInt(Console.ReadLine)
            Dim RandomWinners = GetRandomWinners()
            Console.WriteLine("The random winners are:")
            For Each i As Integer In RandomWinners
            Dim WinnersCount = FindWinnersCount(RandomWinners, WinnersChosen)
            If WinnersCount = 1 Then
                Console.WriteLine($"You have guessed {WinnersCount} number")
                Console.WriteLine($"You have guessed {WinnersCount} numbers")
            End If
            Dim Winnings = Money(WinnersCount)
            'The formatting :N0 will add the commas to the number
            Console.WriteLine($"Your winnings are {Winnings:N0}")
            Console.WriteLine("do you want to continue? y/n")
            answer = Console.ReadLine.ToLower
        Loop Until answer = "n"
    End Sub
    'Too much happening in the Sub
    'Try to have a Sub or Function do only one job
    'Name the Sub accordingly
    Private Function GetRandomWinners() As List(Of Integer)
        Dim RandomWinners As New List(Of Integer)
        Dim rn As Integer
        'Good use of .Contains and good logic in Loop Until
            rn = rg.Next(1, 40)
            If Not RandomWinners.Contains(rn) Then
            End If
        Loop Until RandomWinners.Count = 6
        Return RandomWinners
    End Function
    Private Function FindWinnersCount(r As List(Of Integer), WinnersChosen() As Integer) As Integer
        Dim temp As Integer
        For count1 As Integer = 0 To 5
            For count2 As Integer = 0 To 5
                If r(count1) = WinnersChosen(count2) Then
                    temp = temp + 1
                End If
        Return temp
    End Function
    Private Function Money(Count As Integer) As Integer
        'A Select Case reads a little cleaner
        Select Case Count
            Case 3
                Return 120
            Case 4
                Return 500
            Case 5
                Return 10000
            Case 6
                Return 1000000
            Case Else
                Return 0
        End Select
    End Function
    End Module