I am new to SPARQL, and trying to query event data on DBPedia whose source articles are in Dutch.
How could I query type of events, count numbers of each event type? Please advise. I am using http://dbpedia.org/sparql because http://events.dbpedia.org/sparql won't work.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I'm adding my query as advised.
Is the following the correct query to count MilitaryConflict
SELECT (count(distinct ?event) as ?cnt)
WHERE{?event a <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/MilitaryConflict> .
Yes, your query is correct to count entities of type dbo:MilitaryConflict
Here are a couple other queries, starting from yours, which should help you continue...
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
( COUNT (DISTINCT ?abs) AS ?cnt )
{ ?event a dbo:MilitaryConflict ;
dbo:abstract ?abs .
FILTER ( LANGMATCHES ( LANG(?abs) , "nl" ) )
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
DISTINCT ?event ?abs
{ ?event a dbo:MilitaryConflict ;
dbo:abstract ?abs .
FILTER ( LANGMATCHES ( LANG(?abs) , "nl" ) )
NOTE -- The "Default Graph" value in the SPARQL form (which becomes the default-graph-uri=
query argument in the links you'll click above) must be left blank, to get results for all languages.