I have a Taleo Client Connect export which retrieves offers from Taleo Recruiting 17.4. I want to filter my results to only include offers that were accepted within the past seven days.
My filter works if I manually specify a date in the XML data, but I can't figure out how to calculate last week's date at runtime.
<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="AcceptedDate"/>
<quer:date>2019-02-22</quer:date> <!--Should equal [CURRENT_DATE]-[7_DAYS]-->
How can I export offers that were accepted within the past week using Taleo Connect Client?
Full export:
<quer:query productCode="RC1704" model="http://www.taleo.com/ws/tee800/2009/01" projectedClass="Offer" locale="en" mode="CSV" csvheader="true" largegraph="true" preventDuplicates="false" xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="AcceptedDate"/>
<quer:field path="Application,Candidate,Number"/>
<quer:field path="Application,Requisition,ContestNumber"/>
<quer:field path="AcceptedDate"/>
<quer:date>2019-02-22</quer:date> <!--Should equal [CURRENT_DATE]-[7_DAYS]-->
Try this complex filter:
<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="AcceptedDate"/>
<quer:date type="now"/>