My question is really straightforward and I believe understandable. I've made this simple snippet to illustrate my conflict when I'm passing values by reference.
int main() {
int a = 1;
int &b = a;
I know that this is the correct way to do it but how does it make sense to take the address of b and make it equal to the value of a. Logically it should be: int &b = &a;
Many operators are context-sensitive. The &
"operator" could mean three different things depending on context:
It could be used when defining a reference
int& r = a; // The variable r is a reference of the variable a
It could be used to get a pointer to something
int* p = &a; // Here & is the address-of operator which returns a pointer
// Here it makes p point to the variable a
It could be the bitwise AND operator
0x53 & 0x0f // Here's a bitwise AND operation, the result is 0x03