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rdfa namespace specifically for cars

I would like to implement RDFA to a car site.

Triples would go something like:

  • This image is about a honda
  • This page is about a honda
  • This rating is for a honda civic


I can't seem to find a namespace to use in my case. For example , I can easily see how the Dublin Core namespace can be used for books ( since it has a "publisher" and "author" term name. But how about cars? Is there a namespace for it? Or should I simply use a generic namespace?

Thanks in advance.


  • Have you come across the Car Options Ontology (COO), by Hepp Research GmbH and Volkswagen UK?

    The COO provides a vocabulary for exposing available configuration options for car models. It allows indicating choices that can be made as well as compatibility, dependency, and inclusion information.

    COO imports and extends the GoodRelations ontology, in particular, the gr:ProductOrServiceModel part, which describes features of a product.


    COO and Vehicle Sales Ontology (VSO) are designed at the same period of time (by the same person!) for slightly different purposes:

    The Car Options Ontology is designed to be used in combination with GoodRelations for the commercial aspects of offers for sale or rental, and the Vehicle Sales Ontology for car features.

    To understand the base GoodRelations ontology better, you may want to take a look at the following paper:

    Hepp, Martin: GoodRelations: An Ontology for Describing Products and Services Offers on the Web, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2008), Acitrezza, Italy, September 29 - October 3, 2008, Springer LNCS, Vol 5268, pp. 332-347.