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Triggering event on input/select value change with Spring web flow

I wanna trigger flow change when user change the value in select box:


After reading this docs: I did not find the answer. Please can any one help? Any advice appreciated.

The change I wanna achieve is to set button to be activated, when value has been chosen from select box.


  • there are 2 ways to do this:

    First, using strictly javascript (all in the UI), by using onchange and/or onclick on your select element to find the button and activate/deactivate it

    Second, using Webflow:

    • submit the form on onchange
    • re-render the view with the proper changes

    Assuming you want to go with webflow here, you can use this:


    <form id="myFormId" action="${flowExecutionUrl}" method="post">
        <select id="mySelectId" onchange="Spring.remoting.submitForm('mySelectId', 'myFormId', {fragments:'body', _eventId: 'myChangeEvent'}); return false;">


    <view-state id="myViewStateId">
        <transition on="myChangeEvent" validate="false" bind="true">
            <!-- change some property to enable your button -->

    This will re-render the view and the property/attribute you are using to enable/disable your button will be updated. It is important to use validate="false" otherwise validation error(s) could prevent your transition from succeeding