I'm a beginner in powershell scripting, I want to be able to distinguish between the outputs of a script. Lets take as an example this script test.ps1:
param([System.String] $w)
$x=$w+" is correct"
$y=$w+ " is false"
to execute it and retrieve the values $x & $y, I'm doing this:
$a=.\test1.ps1 -w test
$a[0] #this is x
$a[1] # this is y
is there a way we can use something similar to $a.x to retrieve the $x value?
To do what you want, you will need an object that contains a key/value pair or named properties. For example, you can create an object called a
with properties x
and y
$x = "one"
$y = "two"
$a = [pscustomobject]@{"x"=$x;"y"=$y}
Testing the Above Case:
x y
- -
one two
I like the link PSCustomObjects for an explanation of creating and using custom objects.
Testing with a Function:
function test {
param([string] $w)
$x = $w + "x"
$y = $w + "y"
[pscustomobject]@{"x"=$x; "y"=$y}
$a = test "my property "
x y
- -
my property x my property y
my property x
my property y