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Nativescript, Icon in text field

Im trying to get Icons inside a textfield in a Nativescript Angular project. When I try to get this done it gets positioned outside the field, or at least it looks that way. I have looked at some code samples(sample) but it wont work when i try it myself.

<GridLayout rows="auto, auto, auto, auto, auto" class="container" loaded="onLoaded()">
  <StackLayout row="1" class="logo">
    <Image src="res://live_logo"></Image>
  <Stacklayout row="2" class="form">
      <TextField #userName hint="Användarnamn" class="field" [text]="userInput.username" required [isEnabled]="!(processing$ | async)" keyboardType="email" autocapitalizationType="none" autocorrect="false" (textChange)="setUsername($event)" (focus)="focusUserName($event)"
    <GridLayout columns="auto, *, auto">
      <Label col="0" class="icon fa-regular" [text]="lockIcon"></Label>
      <TextField col="1" #password hint="Lösenord" class="field" [text]="userInput.password" required [isEnabled]="!(processing$ | async)" secure="true" autocapitalizationType="none" autocorrect="false" (textChange)="setPassword($event)" (focus)="focusPassword($event)"
      <Label col="2" class="icon fa-regular" [text]="activePasswordShowHideIcon" ios:style="padding-bottom: 35" (tap)="showHidePassword()"></Label>
    <Label class="error-msg" textWrap="true" *ngIf="(errors$ | async)" [text]="errorTxt"></Label>
    <Button class="login-button" text="LOGGA IN" [isEnabled]="!(processing$ | async)" (tap)="submit()"></Button>
  <ActivityIndicator rowSpan="5" color="#23a1b0" [busy]="(processing$ | async)" width="100" height="100" class="activity-indicator"></ActivityIndicator>

enter image description here


  • You will have to remove the default background / border comes with TextField and apply the border to the parent container to make it look like it's part of TextField.


        <StackLayout class="form">
            <GridLayout class="m-10 input-border" columns="*,auto">
                <TextField col="0" class="input"></TextField>
                <Label col="1" class="h3" text="🔒" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>

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