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Documentum issue: Setup cannot copy the file ExJNIAPI.dll

I was using webtop for some time and it was working fine.

Now its started to give this error and if I cancel it, its asking to download some cab Files, which I allowed.

enter image description here

But again when installed it starts showing the same error.

Any suggestions?


  • This is a required file for Documentum Webtop client side file transfer. Odds are, an update on the PC that you are viewing / editing files, has caused trouble.

    Personally I would

    1. back up any checked out files on local PC. By default (I think), would be in %USERPROFILE%\Documentum\CheckedOut
    2. Reboot PC, to free up any processes holding locks on files and folders
    3. Delete local UCF install, by default: %USERPROFILE%\Documentum
    4. Login to Webtop and do fresh clean install

    For futher troubles shooting take a look at or in the new OpenText webtop forums