In my database time store like 2019-02-14 06:13:03 how to display in formate of 6h ago or 2 day ago . I am using laravel api.
3d ago or 18h ago
First step Create pipe somewhere and your code will be
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
@Pipe({ name: 'timeAgo' })
export class TimeAgo implements PipeTransform {
transform(d: any): string {
let currentDate = new Date(new Date().toUTCString());
let date = new Date(d + "Z");
let year = currentDate.getFullYear() - date.getFullYear();
let month = currentDate.getMonth() - date.getMonth();
let day = currentDate.getDate() - date.getDate();
let hour = currentDate.getHours() - date.getHours();
let minute = currentDate.getMinutes() - date.getMinutes();
let second = currentDate.getSeconds() - date.getSeconds();
let createdSecond = (year * 31556926) + (month * 2629746) + (day * 86400) + (hour * 3600) + (minute * 60) + second;
if (createdSecond >= 31556926) {
let yearAgo = Math.floor(createdSecond / 31556926);
return yearAgo > 1 ? yearAgo + " years ago" : yearAgo + " year ago";
} else if (createdSecond >= 2629746) {
let monthAgo = Math.floor(createdSecond / 2629746);
return monthAgo > 1 ? monthAgo + " months ago" : monthAgo + " month ago";
} else if (createdSecond >= 86400) {
let dayAgo = Math.floor(createdSecond / 86400);
return dayAgo > 1 ? dayAgo + " days ago" : dayAgo + " day ago";
} else if (createdSecond >= 3600) {
let hourAgo = Math.floor(createdSecond / 3600);
return hourAgo > 1 ? hourAgo + " hours ago" : hourAgo + " hour ago";
} else if (createdSecond >= 60) {
let minuteAgo = Math.floor(createdSecond / 60);
return minuteAgo > 1 ? minuteAgo + " minutes ago" : minuteAgo + " minute ago";
} else if (createdSecond < 60) {
return createdSecond > 1 ? createdSecond + " seconds ago" : createdSecond + " second ago";
} else if (createdSecond < 0) {
return "0 second ago";
And after that incluse timeAgo pipe in app.component.ts something like :
declarations: [
After that your html code will be something like
<p>{{timeValue | timeAgo}}</p>
Here i created Stackblitz project for you.