Before anyone marks this question as a duplicate of anyone else's relating to this type of program, know that I searched and read the answered questions on this topic and was unable to find anything that suits my needs.
In my program for rock, paper, scissors I am asked to figure out if the computer or the player wins, or if they tie. We are supposed to store computer win as -1, player win as 1, and tie as 0. I thought I wrote this function correctly and called it properly in my main function, however, when I run my code it skips right over my runGame function and instead skips to an infinite loop asking the player to input their choice. I do not know why this is happening. I should note that within my main function, we are supposed to keep a counter to see how many wins the computer has and the player has, and how many times they tie. I also am having difficulty getting this to execute.
import random
# Function: Display Menu
# Input: none
# Output: none
# displays the game rules to the user
def displayMenu():
print("Welcome! Let's play rock, paper, scissors.")
print("The rules of the game are:")
print("\tRock smashes scissors")
print("\tScissors cut paper")
print("\tPaper covers rock")
print("\tIf both the choices are the same, it's a tie")
# Function: Get Computer Choice
# Input: none
# Output: integer that is randomly chosen, a number between 0 to 2
def getComputerChoice():
computerChoice = random.randrange(0,3)
return computerChoice
# Function: Get Player Choice
# Input: none
# Output: integer that represents the choice
# Asks the user for their choice: 0 for rock, 1 for paper, or 2 for scissors
def getPlayerChoice():
playerChoice = int(input("Please choose (0) for rock, (1) for paper or (2) for scissors"))
return playerChoice
# Function: Play Round
# Input: two integers--one representing the computer's choice and the other representing the player's choice
# Output: integer (-1 if computer wins, 1 if player wins, 0 if there is a tie)
# This method contains the game logic so it stimulates the game and determines a winner
def playRound(computerChoice, playerChoice):
if playerChoice == 0 and computerChoice == 2:
return 1
elif computerChoice == 0 and playerChoice == 2:
return -1
elif playerChoice == 2 and computerChoice == 1:
return 1
elif computerChoice == 2 and playerChoice == 1:
return -1
elif playerChoice == 1 and computerChoice == 0:
return 1
elif computerChoice == 1 and playerChoice == 0:
return 1
return 0
# Function: Continue Game
# Input: none
# Output: boolean
# Ask the user is they want to continue (Y/N), and then return True or False accordingly
def continueGame():
playAgain = input("Do you want to continue playing? Enter (y) for yes or (n) for no.")
if playAgain.lower() == "y":
return True
elif playAgain.lower() == "n":
return False
# Function: main
# Input: none
# Output: none
def main():
playerCounter = 0
computerCounter = 0
tieCounter = 0
p_choice = getPlayerChoice()
if p_choice == 0:
choicePlayer = "rock"
elif p_choice == 1:
choicePlayer = "paper"
elif p_choice == 2:
choicePlayer = "scissors"
c_choice = getComputerChoice()
if c_choice == 0:
choiceComputer = "rock"
elif c_choice == 1:
choiceComputer = "paper"
elif c_choice == 2:
choiceComputer = "scissors"
print("You chose", choicePlayer + ".")
print("The computer chose", choiceComputer + ".")
playRound(getComputerChoice(), getPlayerChoice())
while playRound(c_choice, p_choice) == -1:
computerCounter += 1
while playRound(getPlayerChoice(), getPlayerChoice()) == 1:
playerCounter += 1
while playRound(getPlayerChoice(), getPlayerChoice()) == 0:
tieCounter += 1
while continueGame() == True:
playRound(getComputerChoice(), getPlayerChoice())
while continueGame() == False:
print("You won", playerCounter, "game(s).")
print("The computer won", computerCounter, "game(s).")
print("You tied with the computer", tieCounter, "time(s).")
print("Thanks for playing!")
# Call Main
You don't have a "runGame" method, I believe you are referring to playRound. In that case, once again, in this line:
playRound(getComputerChoice(), getPlayerChoice())
You are calling the getComputerChoice() and getPlayerChoice() methods again, and this is not what you want. Because of that it is asking you for the input again. You should do:
playRound(c_choice, p_choice)