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Displaying images in RecyclerView using Picasso (or Glide) and retrofit, for authenticated users only

I have been using recyclerview to display my contacts and show their basic data including user images. It works as it should, Picasso is great and I get a very cool looking list.

Right now I am trying to disable users to view images until validated - ie I want to disable viewing images to anyone who is not an authenticated user. I have done this on my services and disabled anyone except my laravel app to open the image link. Now I face one issue - when I return image it is not a link, but it is in a byte[] format, and I cannot display it using Picasso. I could try and convert it to Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length); and then convert bitmap to drawable like: Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);, and then display drawable as image imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable); but reading into this I found quite a few drawbacks.

My question would be what is the best way to display image using picasso or glide, and retrofit to return images for authenticated users only. Is there a different way I can return image from laravel service? Is there a way to use the byte format with either picasso or glide? Or is there another format I can convert my byte[] to display in the recyclerview, that would not negatively influence performance?

Currently displaying image with Picasso in my ContactsAdapter:

public void onBindViewHolder(ContactsAdapter.ContactsViewHolder holder, int position) {
    Contact contact = contactList.get(position);


    TextDrawable.IBuilder builder = TextDrawable.builder()

    ColorGenerator generator = ColorGenerator.MATERIAL;
    int color = generator.getColor(contact.getUserId());
    textDrawable =, 1), color);

            .load(AppConfig.URL_PROFILE_PHOTO + contact.getThumbnailUrl()) // DISK URL WITH USER IMAGE NAME
            .transform(new CircleTransform())

Laravel service converts link to image like this:

return Image::make($storagePath)->response();

I extracted the ProfileImage method and tried to modify it to use the service I got:

private void ProfileImage(HashMap<String, String> user, String name, String id) {
    TokenManager tokenManager = TokenManager.getInstance(getSharedPreferences("prefs", MODE_PRIVATE));
    ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.createServiceWithAuth(ApiInterface.class, tokenManager);

    ColorGenerator generator = ColorGenerator.MATERIAL;
    int color = generator.getColor(id);
    String firstLetter = name.substring(0, 1);
    TextDrawable textDrawable = TextDrawable.builder().buildRect(firstLetter, color);

    Call<ResponseBody> call = apiService.getUserImage(id);
    call.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, retrofit2.Response<ResponseBody> response) {

            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[0];
                try {
                    bytes = response.body().bytes();

                            .load(/** I CANNOT USE THE URL HERE */)
                } catch (IOException e) {
            } else {
                if (response.code() == 401) {
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "There was an error: " + response);

        public void onFailure(Call<ResponseBody> call, Throwable t) {
            Log.e(TAG, t.toString());


  • If you can switch to Glide, you can use Glide.with().load(byte[] model) directly

    bytes = response.body().bytes();