I'm trying to animate all <rect>
within an SVG with anime.js.
As long as the SVG is inline, I can call a querySelectorAll()
or getElementsByTagName()
and take this nodelist as the attribute for targets:
and all selected elements will be animated.
elements = document.querySelectorAll("rect");
inside anime code
targets: elements,
BUT: When I link the same SVG code to an external SVG (embeded with an <object>
element), anime.js stopps working (only FireFox will work,still) when I set
elements2 = document.getElementById("SVG").contentDocument.querySelectorAll("rect");
targets: elements2,
When I get single elements for the targets:
attribute like
targets: elements2[0|,
anime.js will animate the single element.
A function will not work, too.
targets: function(i){return elements2[i];},
How can I get the elements as targets in an external SVG in Edge/IE/Safari/Chrome to be animated with anime.js?
So the only workaround for anime.js and an external SVG seems to be, to collect all elements in a new array and use this as targets:
var elements3 = new Array();
elements2 = document.getElementById("SVG").contentDocument.querySelectorAll("rect");
for (i = 0; i<elements2.length; i++) {
targets: elements3,
But I do not understand why this is necessary...