I've been writing the below program as an implementation of Caesar's Cipher and it works unless the key provided is larger than 26. The problem is that I don't know how to loop back once the value exceeds 'z' or 'Z'.
What I've tried so far is to nest if
statements and while
loops, which caused a memory leak (LOL), so suffice it to say, that I'm pretty stuck.
How to use the program:
gcc -o caesar caesar.c -lcs50 -lm && ./caesar key(number)
where caesar.c
is the filename.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
bool input_valid(int count, string arg);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
int key;
char final_val;
string string;
char cipher_string[80];
if (!input_valid(argc, argv[1]))
printf("Invalid input!\nUSAGE: ./caesar key\n");
return 1;
string = get_string("plaintext: ");
key = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
int ascii_val = (int)string[i];
bool valid_lower_case = (ascii_val + key) >= 'a' && (ascii_val + key) < 'z';
bool valid_upper_case = (ascii_val + key) >= 'A' && (ascii_val + key) < 'Z';
if (isalpha(string[i]))
if (valid_lower_case || valid_upper_case)
final_val = ascii_val + key;
// loop back to 'a' if ascii_val reaches 'z'
final_val = 'a' + (key - ('z' - (ascii_val - 1)));
final_val = ascii_val;
cipher_string[i] = final_val;
printf("ciphertext: %s\n", cipher_string);
bool input_valid(int count, string arg)
// input has more args than just the file name
// input is an integer
return count > 1 && isdigit(arg[0]);
Are you familiar with the MOD operator, %
It's useful for implementing "ring-oriented" data, e.g.
array = [0, 1, 2] // "ring"
array[0 % 3] == 0
array[1 % 3] == 1
array[2 % 3] == 2
array[3 % 3] == 0 // "ring" loops back to 0
array[4 % 3] == 1
array[5 % 3] == 2
Mathematically, it's the remainder of division.
10 / 4 # (4 * 2) + 2
10 % 4 == 2
17 / 2 # (2 * 8) + 1
17 % 2 == 1