I see a bunch of lines in the .log
files in the postgres pg_log
directory that say something like:
ERROR: prepared statement "pdo_pgsql_stmt_09e097f4" does not exist
What are prepared statements, and what kinds of things can cause these error messages to be displayed?
From the documentation:
A prepared statement is a server-side object that can be used to optimize performance. When the PREPARE statement is executed, the specifie statement is parsed, rewritten, and planned. When an EXECUTE command is subsequently issued, the prepared statement need only be executed. Thus, the parsing, rewriting, and planning stages are only performed once, instead of every time the statement is executed.
Searching the net, I found that the "pdo_pgsql_stmt" command is from some sort of PHP-connection to your database. Maybe this link can help you find a suiteable mailing-list or issue-tracker that you can send your error-messages to?
EDIT: I think I found your bug here: