The image map doesn't work in my project, so there is no area to click on on the image.
<map name="map" id="map">
<area alt="" title="" href="stat1.php" shape="rect" coords="51,568,116,618" />
<area alt="" title="" href="stat2.php" shape="rect" coords="140,567,202,612" />
<area alt="" title="" href="stat3.php" shape="rect" coords="226,568,290,613" />
<area alt="" title="" href="stat4.php" shape="rect" coords="51,627,116,676" />
<area alt="" title="" href="stat5.php" shape="rect" coords="139,626,204,677" />
<area alt="" title="" href="stat6.php" shape="rect" coords="225,627,292,677" />
<img src="img/commander6.png" usemap="#map" width="95%"/>
I also tried it the other way around, so the <img/>
tag was before the <map>
You need to remove