I'm tring to automate a windows gui mouse click of a check box in properties of a printer.
I get to this by starting print management mmc, right clicking on "G23XnQ2E (local)" from "Print Servers" drop down in the left pane and selecting properties, switching to "security tab" and i finally want to select the checkbox against manage printer option. This can also be achieved by directly clicking on the action menu and selecting properties, provided that i have selected "G23XnQ2E (local)" from the printer servers.
I have tried all the possible ways that I can thing of but always end up getting the many errors like "raise AttributeError", "menu_select", "select()", "click()" - "missing".
my code is like say:
from pywinauto import Application
Application().start(r'mmc printmanagement.msc')
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(path='mmc.exe')
app.dialog.pane1.pane5.pane6.menu.menu_select("Action -> Properties")
#app.dialog.menu_select("Action -> Properties")
How to fix the problem?
is good for main menu like "File->Open". It doesn't work for popup/context menus. This is my code working on my PC (name of print server has been changed to yours):
from pywinauto import Application
Application().start(r'mmc printmanagement.msc')
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(path='mmc.exe')
print_servers = app.PrintManagement.child_window(title="Print Servers", control_type="TreeItem")
print_servers.select() # it expands the subtree
# call popup menu
print_servers.child_window(title="G23XZNQ2E (local)", control_type="TreeItem").right_click_input()
# alternative way to call popup menu
#print_servers.child_window(title_re=".*\(local\)$", control_type="TreeItem").right_click_input()
# select "Properties..." menu item
app.ContextMenu.child_window(title="Properties...", control_type="MenuItem").select()
app.PrintManagement.Print_Server_Properties.child_window(title="Allow Manage Printers", control_type="CheckBox").toggle()
All child_window
specifications have been copied from dump_tree()
outputs. Some windows are children of main window, but context menu is a top level one. This is not a documented experience, but we're working on a recorder feature planned this year as Beta. So it will be much easier to generate a script without thinking about hierarchy structure so much.