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Extending IdentityUser in Asp.Net Core Identity 2.0 when it's a NuGet package

In this blog ASP.NET Core 2.1.0-preview1: Introducing Identity UI as a library I found that the concept of identity in ASP.Net Core 2.0 is being shipped as a NuGet package.

I'm working on a project where I need to extend the included IdentityUser to be in multiple one to many relationships.

I would like to add properties onto my user class like List and List.

With IdentityUser in a NuGet package how do people customize it? Does everyone opt out of the NuGet package if they want to customize it?


  • that blog is specifically talking about UI elements, whereas you seem to be asking about back-end code...

    If you just want to add some custom stuff to the User model, this is already supported:

    Basically you can create a custom class which derives (inherits from) IdentityUser, add custom properties to this, then when setting up Identity you can use this rather than the stock IdentityUser.