If I have an array in Ruby, foo, how can a sort foo[i..j]
I tried calling foo[i..j].sort!
but it didn't sort the original array, just returned a sorted part of it.
If you want to sort part of an array you need to reinject the sorted parts. The in-place modifier won't help you here because foo[i..j]
returns a copy. You're sorting the copy in place, which really doesn't mean anything to the original array.
So instead, replace the original slice with a sorted version of same:
test = %w[ z b f d c h k z ]
test[2..6] = test[2..6].sort
# => ["c", "d", "f", "h", "k"]
# => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "f", "h", "k", "q"]