So I have some gradle tasks to interact with glassfish ...
task startGlassfish(type:Exec){
workingDir "${glassfishHome}${File.separator}bin"
if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'asadmin.bat'
} else {
commandLine "./asadmin"
args "start-domain", "${glassfishDomain}"
task stopGlassfish(type:Exec){
workingDir "${glassfishHome}${File.separator}bin"
if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'asadmin.bat'
} else {
commandLine "./asadmin"
args "stop-domain", "${glassfishDomain}"
task deploy(dependsOn: 'war', type:Exec) {
workingDir "${glassfishHome}${File.separator}bin"
if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'asadmin.bat'
} else {
commandLine "./asadmin"
args "deploy", "--force=true", "${war.archivePath}"
That's a lot of unnecessary code duplication and I'd like to refactor it into something slimmer.
I did try
class GlassfishAsadminTask extends Exec{
def run() {
workingDir "${glassfishHome}${File.separator}bin"
if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'asadmin.bat'
} else {
commandLine "./asadmin"
task startGlassfish(type:GlassfishAsadminTask){
args "start-domain", "${glassfishDomain}"
but that fails with
Execution failed for task ':startGlassfish'.
> execCommand == null!
So I'm obviously misunderstanding something.
How do I get this to work?
When writing custom task classes I suggest first checking the original task's code. Exec task's @TaskAction is exec() method as can be seen in AbstractExecTask class
You can use the following code;
class GlassfishAsadminTask extends Exec{
// arguments that tasks will pass (defined as array)
String[] cmdArguments
public void exec() {
// access properties with project.proppertyName
workingDir "${project.glassfishHome}${File.separator}bin"
if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'asadmin.bat'
} else {
commandLine "./asadmin"
// set args that is set by the task
args cmdArguments
// A sample task
task startGlassfish(type: GlassfishAsadminTask) {
cmdArguments = ["start-domain", "${glassfishDomain}"]