I am a little confused in trying to find the correct sequence in checking received (data, response, error) from dataTask and doing some special error handling.
Usually we have URLSession
looking like this:
class HTTPRequest {
static func request(urlStr: String, parameters: [String: String], completion: @escaping (_ data: Data?,_ response: URLResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> ()) {
var url = OpenExchange.base_URL + urlStr
url += getParameters(param: parameters)
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("URLSession Error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
} else {
static func getParameters(param: [String: String]) -> String {
var data = [String]()
for (key,value) in param {
data.append(key + "=\(value)")
return data.map { String($0) }.joined(separator: "&")
I have another function that has HTTPRequest
inside of it, to wrap everything to and object type I'm working with:
static func networkOperation(urlStr: String, parameters: [String: String], completion: @escaping (ReturnedData) -> () ) {
var recieved = ReturnedData()
HTTPRequest.request(urlStr: urlStr, parameters: parameters) { (data, resp, err) in
if let data = data, let response = resp {
// TODO: try JSONDecoder() if data is API Error Struct; Moderate this section depending on results of decoding;
recieved.data = data
recieved.response = response
recieved.result = .Success
} else if err == nil {
recieved.result = .ErrorUnknown
recieved.error = err as NSError?
public struct ReturnedData {
public var data: Data?
public var response: URLResponse?
public var error: Error?
public var result: RequestResult = .ErrorHTTP
public enum RequestResult: String {
case Success
case ErrorAPI
case ErrorHTTP
case ErrorUnknown
Using the code above I can easily create different networkOperation
calls for doing different API methods and handle different Data models that are returned. What I am trying to implement is API Error check. Since my API has some error description for example when you get your APP_ID wrong or current APP_ID has no permission to get information etc.. So if any of these occur the data will look like this:
"error": true,
"status": 401,
"message": "invalid_app_id",
"description": "Invalid App ID provided - please sign up at https://openexchangerates.org/signup, or contact [email protected]."
I think its not alright trying to decode every received data with Error struct in networkOperations
"//TODO" mark, maybe there is some good way to implement this?
You should have your API errors return error objects.
E.g. You could do:
enum NetworkRequestError: Error {
case api(_ status: Int, _ code: ApiResultCode, _ description: String)
Where you code your responses into an enum
called ApiResultCode
like so:
enum ApiResultCode {
case invalidAppId
case recordNotFound // just an example
case unknown(String)
extension ApiResultCode {
static func code(for string: String) -> ApiResultCode {
switch string {
case "invalid_app_id": return .invalidAppId
case "record_not_found": return .recordNotFound
default: return .unknown(string)
This enum lets you check message
codes without littering your code with string literals.
And if you parse an API error, you could return that. E.g.
if responseObject.error {
let error = NetworkRequestError.api(responseObject.status, ApiResultCode.code(for: responseObject.message), responseObject.description)
... now pass this `error`, just like any other `Error` object
If you’re open to a broader redesign, I’d personally suggest
to pull out those individual error types (the caller wants to know simply if it succeeded or failed ... if it failed, it should then look at the Error
object to determine why it failed);Result
enumeration include associated values, namely the Data
on success and the Error
on failure; andReturnedData
.So, first, let’s expand that RequestResult
to include the error on failures and the payload on success:
public enum Result {
case success(Data)
case failure(Error)
Actually, modern convention is to make this generic, where the above becomes a Result<Data, Error>
using the following:
public enum Result<T, U> {
case success(T)
case failure(U)
(Swift 5 actually includes this generic.)
And I’d then expand ResultError
to handle both API errors as well as any unknown errors:
enum NetworkRequestError: Error {
case api(_ status: Int, _ code: ApiResultCode, _ description: String)
case unknown(Data?, URLResponse?)
So, having done this, you can change request
to pass back a Result<Data, Error>
static func request(urlString: String, parameters: [String: String], completion: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> ()) {
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: urlString)!)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let responseData = data, error == nil else {
completion(.failure(error ?? NetworkRequestError.unknown(data, response)))
And the caller would then do:
request(...) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
// do something with `error`
case .success(let data):
// do something with `data`
The beauty of this Result
generic is that it becomes a consistent pattern you can use throughout your code. For example, let’s assume you have some method that is going to parse a Foo
object out of the Data
that request
func retrieveFoo(completion: @escaping (Result<Foo, Error>) -> Void) {
request(...) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let data):
do {
let responseObject = try JSONDecoder().decode(ResponseObject.self, from: data)
if responseObject.error {
completion(.failure(NetworkRequestError.api(responseObject.status, ApiResultCode.code(for: responseObject.message), responseObject.description)))
let foo = responseObject.foo
} catch {
Or, if you wanted to test for a particular API error, e.g. .recordNotFound
retrieveFoo { result in
switch result {
case .failure(NetworkRequestError.api(_, .recordNotFound, _)):
// handle specific “record not found” error here
case .failure(let error):
// handle all other errors here
case .success(let foo):
// do something with `foo`