The way that the "fast pipe" operator is compared to the "pipe last" in many places implies that they are drop-in replacements for each other. Want to send a value in as the last parameter to a function? Use pipe last (|>
). Want to send it as the first parameter? Use fast pipe (once upon a time |.
, now deprecated in favour of ->
So you'd be forgiven for thinking, as I did until earlier today, that the following code would get you the first match out of the regular expression match:
Js.String.match([%re "/(\\w+:)*(\\w+)/i"], "int:id")
|> Belt.Option.getExn
-> Array.get(1)
But you'd be wrong (again, as I was earlier today...)
Instead, the compiler emits the following warning:
We've found a bug for you!
OCaml preview 3:10-27
This has type:
'a option -> 'a
But somewhere wanted:
'b array
See this sandbox. What gives?
Looks like they screwed up the precedence of ->
so that it's actually interpreted as
Js.String.match([%re "/(\\w+:)*(\\w+)/i"], "int:id")
|> (Belt.Option.getExn->Array.get(1));
With the operators inlined:
Array.get(Belt.Option.getExn, 1, Js.String.match([%re "/(\\w+:)*(\\w+)/i"], "int:id"));
or with the partial application more explicit, since Reason's syntax is a bit confusing with regards to currying:
let f = Array.get(Belt.Option.getExn, 1);
f(Js.String.match([%re "/(\\w+:)*(\\w+)/i"], "int:id"));
Replacing ->
with |.
works. As does replacing the |>
with |.
I'd consider this a bug in Reason, but would in any case advise against using "fast pipe" at all since it invites a lot of confusion for very little benefit.