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How to build CppUnit with Visual Studio 2010

I am trying to build CppUnit (first line in ReadMe says version 1.13) with Visual Studio 2010. Following the instructions (found on web forums, couldn't find much in CppUnit documentation); I cannot find a valid file extension. All file extensions end with ",v" what is this weird ",v" extension and what is the purpose of it?

I am frustrated at this point, if someone can help with how to load CppUnit in VS2010 project and build it....that would be a great help !


  • Are you referring to this project?

    If so, use TortoiseSVN for example to get the latest code from svn:

    It contains "INSTALL-VS.Net2008.txt" with instructions for Visual Studio 2008 but it can also be applied to Visual Studio 2010.

    You may have to edit src\msvc6\testrunner\MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp and replace

    You can safely ignore any build errors as long as the sln outputs cppunit(d).lib or whichever dependencies you need.

    Have fun! :)