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How to create a <a-sky></a-sky> image with zoom?

i am newbie in a-frame , and i have a simple question(actually it's hard for me)

<script src=""></script>
	    <img id="sky" src="">
    <!-- <a-light type="spot" color="#ff0000" position="0.13 1.31 -1.18" look-at="a-box"></a-light> -->
    <a-sky src="#sky"></a-sky>

i build this sample last night , i need to insert zoom for this a-sky tag (because i need to create a vr like virtual tour) how can create zoom on aframe to zoom on a picture??? thanks for your help


  • Latest aframe (v0.9.0) has already supported this feature. You would need to use a camera tag by adding following to your <a-scene> tag.

    <a-entity camera look-controls position="0 1.6 0" id="camera-id"></a-entity>

    The newly added camera will be used instead of the system default one. In you code, do something similar to this:

    var camera = document.querySelector('#camera-id');
    camera.setAttribute('camera', 'zoom', your_zoom_factor);

    Please see for more details and examples.