i'm using licensed version of TYK Dashboard .So i need the change configuration of TYK Configs.
So at this link at the here https://tyk.io/docs/configure/dashboard-env-variables/ I've wanted to use environment variables at launch time of VM .
But these are not working on my machine (on-premis). I could not find the mistake in my approach .Please help .
My script is shown at below .
sudo /opt/tyk-dashboard/install/setup.sh --listenport=3000 --redishost=$REDIS_HOST --redisport=6379 --tyk_api_hostname=$HOSTNAME --tyk_node_hostname=http://localhost --tyk_node_port=8080 --portal_root=/portal --domain="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
At least I can handle the mongo url but LICENSE KEY parameter has no sign anywhere.
Please Help ME !
simply sets up some sensible defaults inside your tyk_analytics.conf file.
You can either edit the /opt/tyk-dashboard/tyk_analytics.conf
directly, and insert your license key in there. Then restart the dashboard service systemctl restart tyk-dashboard
Alternatively, if you want to use environment variables, you need to set them globally on the machine, or in your tyk-dashboard systemd unit file.
edit /lib/systemd/system/tyk-dashboard.service
Add your environment variable inside the [Service] directive
save & quit, then
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart tyk-dashboard
More comprehensive answer here: https://serverfault.com/questions/413397/how-to-set-environment-variable-in-systemd-service