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How do I mock HTTPSClient post service

I want to mock the following line of code:

ResponseEntity<String> response = client.callPostService(url, dto, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>(){});


public void testFunction{
    HTTPSClient client = Mockito.mock(HTTPSClient.class);
    Mockito.when(client.callPostService(any(String.class),any(Dto.class), new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>{}))

I get errors regarding the parameters I have placed.


  • You shouldn't mix Mockito's argument matchers (like any(), eq() etc.) and the real objects while configuring behavior for a mock.

    So, in your case the next would be correct:

    Mockito.when(client.callPostService(any(String.class),any(Dto.class), Mockito.any(ParameterizedTypeReference.class))).thenReturn(...)

    or (since Java 8):

    Mockito.when(client.callPostService(any(String.class),any(Dto.class), Mockito.any())).thenReturn(...)

    The latter also doesn't raise the compiler warning about the unchecked cast of generic type because of enhanced type inference.