I want to reassign values based on multiple columns conditions, but the ValueError
appears. I used &
instead of and
, which was often the answer to solve such error. My goal and codes are as following:
ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous.
Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
I want to recode YearsInCanada == Age
if CountryBorn == Canada
and YearsInCanada == None
Age CountryBorn YearsInCanada
87 NaN 77
67 Canada 67
29 US 7
26 US 10
22 US 12
35 Canada NaN
45 Canada NaN
expected output
Age CountryBorn YearsInCanada
87 NaN 77
67 Canada 67
29 US 7
26 US 10
22 US 12
35 Canada 35
45 Canada 45
My following codes showed the ValueError
if df.loc[(df['YearsInCanada'] == None) & (df['CountryBorn'] == 'Canada')]:
df['YearsInCanada'] == df['Age']
df['YearsInCanada'] == df['YearsInCanada']
Solution using np.where()
df.YearsInCanada=np.where((df['YearsInCanada'].isna()) & (df['CountryBorn'] == 'Canada'),\
Age CountryBorn YearsInCanada
0 87 NaN 77.0
1 67 Canada 67.0
2 29 US 7.0
3 26 US 10.0
4 22 US 12.0
5 35 Canada 35.0
6 45 Canada 45.0