I setting up a new Spring App(not spring boot) in IDEA,and manual download aspectjweaver, writing the following code to practice aop.
A root configuration class is:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx=new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
Performance performance=ctx.getBean(WoodStock.class);
and the project layout is:
I want the Audience
being the aspect of WoodStock
(seeing it in spring in action)
public class Audience {
@Before("execution(* com.dawn.www.music.Performance.performance(..))")
public void silenceCellPhones(){
System.out.println("-----------Silencing cell phones");
is a simple interface which implements by WoodStock
public interface Performance {
void performance();
public class WoodStock implements Performance{
public void performance() {
System.out.println("WoodStock Performance start,singer singing+++++");
should find theWoodStock
bean which is defined in application context,however when I run it:
No qualifying bean of type 'com.dawn.www.music.WoodStock' available
but when I comment out @EnableAspectJAutoProxy
, WoodStock can be fetched from
application context?that's why?
Use 'proxyTargetClass=true' with ctx.getBean(WoodStock.class)
Use 'proxyTargetClass=false' with ctx.getBean(Performance.class)