so i have a method in model
class << self
def last_week
start = - 7.days
finish = start + 7.days
where('appointment_at >= ? AND appointment_at < ?', start, finish).order(appointment_at: :desc)
And I write spec for this method.
RSpec.describe Appointment, type: :model, vcr: { record: :none } do
let!(:time) { }
let(:appointment_at) { time }
context '.last_week' do
let!(:scoped_appointment) { create(:appointment, appointment_at: time - 2.days) }
let!(:another_appointment) { create(:appointment, appointment_at: time - 16.days) }
it do
travel_to(time) do
expect(Appointment.last_week).to include(scoped_appointment)
expect(Appointment.last_week).not_to include(another_appointment)
And sometime i get failed this spec with error.
expected #<ActiveRecord::Relation []> to include #<Appointment id: 18, lead_id: 27, body: nil, appointment_at: "2019-02-25 00:59:47", google_id: nil, ... "pending", user_id: 22, notify: nil, cc_emails: nil, appointment_minutes: nil, status_message: nil>
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[#<Appointment id: 18, lead_id: 27, body: nil, appointment_at: "2019-02-25 00:59:47", google_id: nil, created_at: "2019-02-27 00:59:47", updated_at: "2019-02-27 00:59:47", timezone: nil, subject: "Meeting with Lead", address: nil, notification: nil, status: "pending", user_id: 22, notify: nil, cc_emails: nil, appointment_minutes: nil, status_message: nil>]
I can't understand why?
And I have a suggestion that I should tightly set time
in spec_helper.rb
$now = DateTime.parse('2020-01-01 00:00:01 -0500')
will it be right? and why ?
Your test setup is brittle. It will break depending on the day of the week you run your spec.
The scope in your model returns appointments from the previous week, Monday through Sunday (you are calling beginning_of_week
and adding 7 days to it)
So if your tests run on a Wednesday, like in the example you provided, the appointment’s appointment_at
field will be set to Monday (since you are calculating it as - 2.days
). That means your scope will not cover that appointment.
I suggest you use a specific time in your setup. Given your current setup, using let(:time) { DateTime.parse('2019-02-25 00:00:00') }
should work